Abraxus's Blog

picoCTF Magikarp Ground Mission Write Up


Points: 30

Jeopardy style CTF

Category: General Skills


Do you know how to move between directories and read files in the shell? Start the container, ssh to it, and then ls once connected to begin. Login via ssh as ctf-player with the password, 6d448c9c

Write up:

After launching the instance I connected using the ssh they gave me. Once in the instance I followed the instructions:

ctf-player@pico-chall$ ls

1of3.flag.txt  instructions-to-2of3.txt

ctf-player@pico-chall$ cat 1of3.flag.txt 


ctf-player@pico-chall$ cat instructions-to-2of3.txt 

Next, go to the root of all things, more succinctly `/`

ctf-player@pico-chall$ cd /

ctf-player@pico-chall$ ls

2of3.flag.txt  bin  boot  dev  etc  home  instructions-to-3of3.txt  lib  lib64  media  mnt  opt  proc  root  run  sbin  srv  sys  tmp  usr  var

ctf-player@pico-chall$ cat 2of3.flag.txt 


ctf-player@pico-chall$ cat instructions-to-3of3.txt 

Lastly, ctf-player, go home... more succinctly `~`

ctf-player@pico-chall$ cd ~

ctf-player@pico-chall$ ls

3of3.flag.txt  drop-in

ctf-player@pico-chall$ cat 3of3.flag.txt 


ctf-player@pico-chall$ Connection to venus.picoctf.net closed by remote host.